Sunday, June 6, 2010


Let's face it. Nothing comes easy in life. Indeed, it is the painstaking efforts, the sacrifices, the blood, sweat and tears shed which allowed one to truly appreciate his/her own success.

But how do you explain those people who were just born lucky, talented, rich and famous without a worry in the world? (or so it seemed?) What about people who are just plain geniuses and so intelligent that they need not work half as hard, compared to others who simply had no choice but to put in the extra hours? What is it also about the mambo jambos going around about “visualising” and “believing” in your dreams and that eventually those would come “rolling” to you and the universe would somehow work its way to help you achieve what you want?

I have always believed that those are partly true. By believing in your heart that you are capable and worthy of something, eventually your actions would reflect your goals and whatever you do would be in pursuit of them, be it a new a car, a job promotion, having a loving, happy family, losing weight, a new house or even that outrageously expensive handbag you’ve had your eyes on. There is no such thing as sitting around, waiting for it to come true. It takes work, determination and one’s willingness to endure possible disappointments- sometimes, success may not make its first visit. I’ve discovered that one can have it all, sooner or later. It may not be as perfectly as pictured, but it can be nearly as wonderful.

You are in fact what you believe you are. And "Luck" might not be it at all.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Baby,

    this is what luck is to me..

    1. To be meeting you online when we are worlds apart..

    2. For you to stick with me though distance separates us apart for 3 years..

    3. For you to still be with me even though we can only meet during weekends for the past 4 years

    4. For us to get married soon and spend time together, making cute babies, cooking and growing old together...

    the biggest luck of all is to know you, love you, to be loved by you and will be spending the rest of our time together..

    lots of love,

    Mr. Fiance
