Friday, July 9, 2010

A Picture's Worth

Recent trends have shown the significant inclination of modern couples to have their pre-wedding pictures taken. Some argued, what would be the point of having them? There is no denying that a pre-wed picture would lack the intimacy, hence the non- variety of poses.

Pre-wedding pictures to me are important to mark the couple's moments of love, to capture the happiness and anticipation before the real day comes. Mr fiance dearest has yet to agree for us to have pre wedding pics (yes, dear, i know you think it'll be a waste) but just hear me out.

Don't deny that these are some fantastic shots :P

Twilight Inspired

Fairytale Inspired

Vintage Inspired

Monday, July 5, 2010

Truth and Tears

People can definitely surprise you. Those you have known most of your lives, may not be as what they claimed. Lies, secrets and skeletons in the closet? Take my advice and be prepared to face some cold, hard truth.

a) Older men who cheat on their wives with younger women disgusts me.

b) I do not mix well with people with obsessive compulsive behaviour.

c) Taking credit of the effort of another, and later not acknowleding them is a sin. Blaming another person for a fault which is yours, is worse.

Me a whiner? It got me to think. Is it all that bad? Am I the one attracting these negative elements in my life? Should I be happy, accepting all that has been thrown at me? Should I be thankful that, at least, I'm well, alive and breathing, at least with a job, a place to stay and having a shoulder to cry on?

I am trying very hard to change (a) (b) and (c) to positive thoughts. There must at least be some silver linings to be found.