It has been forever since I last posted anything here. Stress at work, not to mention the never ending dramas of the wedding preparation had left me numb mostly throughout the end of 2010. I couldn't have imagined how taxing it was to prepare for a one night event. It has been more than 2 months since we've become Mr & Mrs, and so I realised that it is a must for me to record the things that I treasure most about the one in a lifetime experience.
The Top 5 Things That I Loved About My Wedding
1. The Groom
Oh, how could I not love him? He was with me every step of the way, giving support and encouragement, even when I went all crazy, emotional and unstable. Even when I was on bridezilla mode, (always angry as back then, everything planned seemed impossible). I'm so glad now that he gets to see the real, rationale and relaxed me :)Love you comel.
2. The White, Yellow & Turqoise Green Theme
Not the theme colour that I had planned right? Trust me, this was definitely one of the biggest drama. Somehow mom & dad decided to buy turqoise coloured fabric for the family to wear. And that didnt go with the original theme that I had in mind. The last minute colour change did work to an advantage. A classic white look and streaks of turqoise green went perfectly with the hall decoration. The scallops on the ceiling? That, I love!
3. The Guests of Honour
Never did I imagine that Tuanku Ampuan Negeri Sembilan (BOTH of THEM, mind you) would be attending the solemnization ceremony and the reception. Protocol much? Heck, it was. But certainly made the whole escapade worth it. Who could resist wedding gifts from the palace?
4. The Wedding Dais
Going to the BrideBlogger Gathering was perhaps the smartest thing we did. That was where we discovered RassDeco. Their work was breathtaking and their flower arrangement was gorgeous, without doubt. Their twinkling light arch was definitely a hit among the guests who attended.
5. The Wedding Dress
Ah, the dress. The tiered gown, the flowing veil, the intricate beads. Never in my life had I felt more regal! It was a heavy dress, and it was impossible for me to move freely in it but was it was so gorgeous I didnt want to take it off!I got to wear the dress of my dreams that night. A girl couldnt ask for anything more.
So thank you, hubby. For I would not have had a magical, wonderful wedding if it wasnt for you, sayang.